Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm being watched

As Sam's verbal skills get better and better, I am treated to a running commentary on my every move. Tonight's dinner conversation is a perfect example of what we talk about 50 times a day:

I pop my last bite of garlic bread into my mouth, which Sam has been following with his eyes (his own piece is still on his plate). He immediately says: Mommy, garlic bread more?

Me: No, I think I've had enough.

Sam: Mommy, garlic bread more?

Me: Nope, no more garlic bread for me.

Sam: Mommy, garlic bread more?

Me: (sigh) No, I'm all done with garlic bread.

Sam (completely unfazed, mind you): Mommy, garlic bread more?

Me: Mommy's all done.

Sam: Mommy, garlic bread more?

Me: Why don't you eat your garlic bread, Sam.


Unknown said...

that is soooo funny! Sadie is going through the same exact thing. She continues to ask me what I am doing over and over again. Must be a toddler thing.

Amy said...

Ahhh toddler life. Miles does it while leaning in REALLY close - "Daddy, want some Cheerios??" about an inch from Thad's face!