Dear Sam,
Two years ago you were born. I remember seeing your beautiful face for the first time, holding your tiny body in my arms, feeling your little fingers and kissing your soft cheek.
Before I knew it you were a jolly 6-month-old and we'd spend hours hanging out in our front yard, taking in the sights of our olive and redwood trees, and listening to the squawking jays.
When you turned one you had already taken your first steps, but you were still a crawling machine, exploring the far reaches of your world. Very soon your feet would take you even farther.
By 18 months you were speaking several words and understanding so much more. We had fun reading books together and naming what we saw in the pictures.
And now you are 2 years old! I still marvel at your beautiful face and your strong little body. I still kiss you, and now you kiss me. We can talk together, and I see you learning new words and ideas every day. We still enjoy our time exploring the outdoors, and we still love to read together. I am so proud to be your mommy. Happy Birthday, Sam.
Happy Birthday Sam! Hope you have a wonderful and happy day.
We sure miss you guys already.
What a great photo. It won't be long till that shadow is your size.
How great that birthday's 3-? will be in your own house!!
Happy birthday!
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